How can you get involved?

Join the Community.

By joining our community as an individual, you will be able to get anonymised data reports highlighting crime hotspots and receive targeted crime prevention advice.

Become a Tell TVL Supporter.

Join the fast growing online community of businesses coming together to help fight back against vehicle crime.

Join the Community.

By joining our community as an individual, you will be able to get anonymised data reports highlighting crime hotspots and receive targeted crime prevention advice.

Become a Tell TVL Supporter.

Join the fast growing online community of businesses coming together to help fight back against vehicle crime.

How can you show support?

How can you show support?

I am:

An Individual A Business

Become a supporter

By becoming a Business supporter provides confidence to others to join and share their story on this secure platform, in the fast growing online community of businesses coming together to help fight back against vehicle crime.

Together we’re stronger.

I agree to Tell TVL using my logo on their Supporters page*
Become a supporter form button

Please agree to the terms to continue

Join the community

By joining our community you will be able to get anonymised data reports highlighting crime hotspots and receive targeted crime prevention advice based on trends in entry methods so drivers can be alert to all potential risks.

It’s a win-win.

*Indicates a required field

Help us make some noise. Become a supporter!

To become a supporter we need your company name so we know who is supporting us!

What is this?

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Join the community

By joining our community you will be able to get anonymised data reports highlighting crime hotspots and receive targeted crime prevention advice based on trends in entry methods so drivers can be alert to all potential risks.

It’s a win-win.

*Indicates a required field

Help us make some noise. Become a supporter!

To become a supporter we need your company name so we know who is supporting us!

What is this?

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Our Supporters

How it works

Becoming a Tell TVL supporter provides confidence to others to join and share their story on this secure platform, knowing you are actively doing your bit to reduce vehicle attacks. Your support will help to elevate our mission to grow the community and provide secure data to the police and in return provide anonymised data reports highlighting crime hotspots and receive targeted crime prevention advice to registered users.


Supporters allow our audience to know that they are not alone in the fight against vehicle crime, and we are in this together – the more of us that stand up together, the stronger our fight is!

Becoming a Tell TVL supporter provides confidence to others to join and share their story on this secure platform, knowing you are actively doing your bit to reduce vehicle attacks. Your support will help to elevate our mission to grow the community and provide secure data to the police and in return provide anonymised data reports highlighting crime hotspots and receive targeted crime prevention advice to registered users.


Supporters allow our audience to know that they are not alone in the fight against vehicle crime, and we are in this together – the more of us that stand up together, the stronger our fight is!